What we do:-

Located in Kendal, Cumbria, see contact page, we design and manufacture tooling for thermoform (form-fill-seal) packaging machines, and we stock an ever expanding range of spares for thermoform packaging machines such as Multivac, GEA Tiromat, ULMA, Dixie-Union, Variovac etc.

  GB Pack Tooling Ltd:- Multivac R530 Sealing Head
 Red Meat pack

Thermoform tooling:-

When you need a new thermoformed pack style, we work with you to develop ideas, and we show you graphics of the proposed tooling for approval before manufacture.
We have particular experience of die format changes, and the manufacture of spare sealing plates, forming heater plates etc.



We sell star and half star punches, euro slot punches, straight and circular blades, crosscut blades, hubs, strip punches, formed element tubular heaters (calrods), thermocouples, sealing gaskets, slicer blades and other processing blades.
Please look at the examples shown on the site pages, and contact us to discuss your requirements.

 Heater elements for Multivac machines